Thursday, 5 March 2015

Exploring Movenote

Part of my inquiry is how I can use the technology available to make learning rewindable, so today I tested out Movenote with a small group of children. I gave each child the same word problem and asked them to record themselves explaining how they solved the problem. Not only does it allow the children a chance to explain their thinking but by posting it on their blog it allows for rewindable learning. I'm looking forward to exploring and using Movenote more this term. 

Here are the links to the children's blogs and their Movenote
Naomi's Movenote
Paikea's Movenote
Viliami's Movenote
Nytram's Movenote
Chastyi's Movenote


  1. I like this, it could be a cool adaption to my follow up maths presentations I have been trying. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I like this, it could be a cool adaption to my follow up maths presentations I have been trying. Thanks for sharing!
